I am getting tons of letters asking for new kittens and puppies. Santa’s policy is to check with the parents before this kind of gift can ever be given. This goes for kids and adults.
As much as people love pets, they do not appreciate getting a new pet as a surprise. You should always let the person who will be the owner of the pet, make the decision as to whether or not the time to get a pet is right.
Christmas day is not the best time receiving a pet either. Animals love to find new homes, but they are frightened and nervous entering your home the first time. The holidays are not the best time to bring them home.
If you want a pet this year, ask your parents for a “Santa’s Pet Promise”. I am promising that each person who wants, and who should get a pet this season, can pick one up right after the holidays end.
I have been in contact with several shelters all over the world and they all promised to have a huge assortment of dogs, cats, rabbits, you name it, ready in January for you to choose from.
Check our www.VeryNicePets.com for details.